Woman using a laptop viewed from over the shoulder, Spanish language website on the screen

News and ViewsJune 5, 2024

Spectrum Digital Education Partner Spotlight: Latinitas

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Most people use multiple devices every day that connect them to the outside world. From searching the web, to paying bills or managing their finances, many take digital literacy skills for granted. The reality is that those skills can be difficult to master, especially for non-native English speakers. Latinitas is working to change that in Austin, Texas.

The nonprofit is a two-time Spectrum Digital Education grant recipient and serves young Latinas by empowering students to discover their voice, develop media and technology skills, and build a solid foundation for their future. The nonprofit recently expanded its programming to help the parents of these young students, reinforcing the family unit through their digital education program, “Padres Digitales,” a multi-week, bilingual program offered free of cost to the community. The program teaches parents computer basics; topics like how to save and print documents to more advanced skills like using modern financial tools or internet safety.

“Often, parents who are non-native English speaking are not very familiar with new technology, not because of a lack of trying, but because of language barriers. By providing digital literacy services in their language of choice, we can take that parental responsibility off the students’ plates which allows them to focus more on their schoolwork and extracurricular activities.”

Gabriela Kane Guardia, Executive Director, Latinitas

Spectrum recently awarded Latinitas a $30,000 Spectrum Digital Education grant, bringing Spectrum’s total financial support of Latinitas to $34,000 over two years. Spectrum also previously donated 25 laptops to the nonprofit to support its mission.

“Latinitas is doing wonderful work to uplift students and their parents in this digital space,” said Rahman Khan, Group Vice President, Community Impact. “Their work through Padres Digitales is important to help bridge the digital divide and bring these parents to a place where they can take advantage of the ways technology and connectivity can improve their family’s lives.”

Learn more about Spectrum Digital Education grants here.